
We design and produce a wide range of Soil Science, Hydrology, Metereology, Ecology and Lysimeter technology that suits your needs

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Ready-To-Go Lysimeter

The Ready-To-Go lysimeters are small weighable lysimeter stations suitable for monoliths with diameters of 300, 500 or 800 mm and a length of 300, 600 or 900 mm. It is suitable for both disturbed (manually filled) and undisturbed soil monoliths

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Insights into the “black box” soil

In addition to weighing, our Ready-To-Go Lysimeters are equipped with high-resolution, innovative tensiometer measuring technology. Tensiometer measurements are fundamental for comprehensive observation of the water balance of an ecosystem. The tension is a driving force for the movement of soil water. The worldwide novel and patented Full Range Tensiometer is a polymer tensiometer, which is perfectly adapted to the requirements of the Ready-To-Go Lysimeter technology. It covers the entire suction tension range relevant for plants up to 1500 kPa (pF 4.2). No refilling is necessary.
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