Rain Gauges

LWF – Precipitation Collector

A protective filter prevents the entry of dirt and at the same time the evaporation from the collection volume, so that the concentration of the substances dissolved in the water is maintained.

The precipitation collector is made of polyethylene. Collecting funnel and collecting bottle are connected by a screw connection. The collecting surface is 314 cm2. The precipitation collector is suspended at a height of 1 m in a standpipe with base.

The World Meteorological Organization recommends collectors like this for measurements with tipping counters in order to compensate for errors caused by the principle. Since precipitation varies strongly, 4 rain collectors per tipping counter are recommended.


  • Protection against contamination by leaves, needles etc. in the collecting bottle is prevente
  • Minimized evaporation
  •  Effective fine filter is removable
  • Cleaning and handling: the individual parts can be cleaned or replaced by hand

Technical specifications

Surface funnel attachment:314 cm²
Collection volume:4.4 liter
Diameter funnel attachment:200 mm